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Intellectual Property Claim

Drop me an email about your intellectual property or your agent.

  • Phone: +1 (951) 254-4133

  • Email:

Includes the following information:

Campaign URL *: 

Your contact information includes: full name, address, phone number, email.

Claim Details: Are you the Rights Owner or an Agent?

Owner ( Legal Name ) *
The specific concern is * 
URL(s) to original work * 
Additional Information(Optional)


"I have a good faith belief that content(s) in the campaign described above violate(s) my rights described above or those held by the rights owner, and that the use of such content(s) is contrary to law."

"I declare, under penalty of perjury, that the information completed above is correct and accurate and that I am the owner or agent of the owner of the rights described above."

After receiving your email, it will take 3 to 5 days for us to check and respond to you via email.
Thank you for your patience.

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